Day 31 – Last Full Day In Buenos Aires

Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 03:30

As the title suggests, today was my last full day in Buenos Aires, and it was also a rather relaxing one. Marc headed off to the airport around lunch time, and I was on my own for most of the day after that. Having seen quite a lot of the sights now, I had to do a bit of research online in order to find out where would be good for a wander. In the end I settled on a part of the city by the Japanese Gardens.

In order to get to the area with the Japanese Gardens I had to walk down a very wide avenue called ‘Avenida del Libertador’, which runs from the La Recoleta area to Palermo. On the right hand side as I was walking were a number of different plazas, which more or less constitute one continuous open space. First there was the Plaza de Evita, which had a large monument dedicated to Evita in it, then the Plazas for Chile, Uruguay and Germany, which each had appropriate monuments (note there was no Plaza de Ingleterra!). Eventually I reached the Japanese Gardens, though a bit too late to justify the entry cost (I had naively assumed it was free to enter). However, the fences all around the gardens were very low, and I got a good view of the inside as I walked around. Unsurprisingly, the gardens were reminiscent of Japan, with various shrines, typical Japanese huts, and small streams with stepping stones over them.

From the Japanese Gardens it was only a short walk to Palermo Lake, which is the middle of a number of other plazas. There was a great atmosphere by the lake, with a number of drummers, artists, and people skating around. There were also geese eager to be fed, and I sat down for a while to take it all in. After some time the sun began to go down so I walked around to the north of the lake where the best views were. The sky always seems to look incredible in the evenings here, and today was no exception.

This evening I went out for dinner at a local pizzeria and sorted out my flight to Rio tomorrow. Buenos Aires has been fun but it’s time for something new!

Photo of the day: the sun beginning to set by Palermo Lake, and the Plaza de Evita monument.


Dramatic pic, a master of exposure

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