So today we originally planned to go to a Broadway show in the evening and explore downtown during the day. On getting to the discount ticket (TKTS) stall in Times Square around 11am we saw that only matinees were available. Even with a discount the tickets were still $70 each so we chose between the two cheapest shows: West Side Story and Promises Promises. Ended up with Promises Promises since the seats on offer were much better (front middle of the upper circle).
After some gift shop browsing and our first tasty Subway of the trip we went to the show which had the gay friend (don’t know his name) from Will & Grace as the front man. The general consensus between us was that the majority or the songs weren’t very memorable but the dialogue was amusing (it was sold as a ‘Musical Comedy’). Also well acted and sung.
Next we walked across to where 5th Avenue meets the South East side of Central Park. It had finally stopped raining after consistently drizzling all day so we took the opportunity to take some photos. Got the Plaza hotel and Apple store, with a few of the surrounding buildings and Central Park. Then disaster struck: a wasp ended up in Lauren’s top and on its escape stung her in the back.
We had to rush home as she began to puff up in what became a really bad allergic reaction. Drowzy anti-allergen pills and a swollen face meant we spent the evening locally in a takeaway deli/pizzeria and will catch up on the downtown areas (hopefully!) tomorrow.
Photo of the day: Two today. The first I think captures the dreariness of a rainy day in Midtown well. The second I was really pleased with the composition (and its right where our theatre was!)